
Should the layout and design of the coffee display stand take into account the visual habits of customers?

Column:Company News Time:2024-05-09

The layout and design of coffee display rack plays a vital role in coffee shops, which directly affects customers’ purchasing decisions and shopping experience. Indeed, the design of coffee display rack should fully take into account the visual habits of customers to maximize customer satisfaction and purchase intention.

First of all, the layout of the coffee display rack should take into account the flow path of customers. Usually, customers will move along a certain path after entering the coffee shop. Therefore, the display rack should be placed in a conspicuous position along the customer flow path so that customers can easily see and access the displayed products.

Secondly, the design of coffee display rack should take into account the movement characteristics of customers’ eyes. Most people’s eyes are accustomed to moving up and down, so when designing display racks, important coffee products and promotional information should be placed where customers’ eyes can easily reach them. At the same time, avoid displaying too many products horizontally to avoid reducing customer retention and purchase rates.

In addition, the design of the coffee display rack should also take into account the customer’s perspective characteristics. According to ergonomic principles, the golden position of the shelf is usually between 0.8 meters and 1.2 meters, because this is the range that customers can naturally reach. Therefore, the most popular coffee products should be placed in this area so that customers can easily access them.

At the same time, the design of the coffee display rack should also make full use of the customer’s phototactic characteristics. Bright lighting can attract customers’ attention and enhance the attractiveness of products. Therefore, the display rack should be equipped with appropriate lighting equipment to ensure that the coffee products present the best appearance and texture under the light.

Finally, the design of coffee display rack should also take into account the sensory characteristics of customers. Coffee is a beverage with a unique aroma and taste, and its display rack should be designed to fully demonstrate the characteristics of coffee. For example, you can set up an on-site display area for coffee bean grinders and coffee brewing equipment so that customers can fully experience the charm of coffee both visually and olfactorily.
