
What F-Orchid can do for pet and pet food?

Business area > Pet Industries > What F-Orchid can do for pet and pet food?

What F-Orchid can do for pet and pet food?

From pallet displays holding heavy bags of dog food, to counter-top displays for cat toys,

Display units are valuable assets for pet product manufacturers of all types. These displays can help your products stand out in stores, whether you’re launching a new product or your merchandise is a familiar staple. Commonly displayed products in pet stores include collars and leashes, toys, pet care products, pet food and treats.

The two components of a display are:

The packaging: The products’ aesthetics along can draw in more customers, so knowing how to work with industry trends is important.

The type of display: Pet supply manufacturers require a way to draw the customers’ attention to sell products. You can customize your displays to be unique for your products and still work at any pet retailer.